On this page you will find brief describtion of some of my hobby projects which are mostly based on a PIC processor.

Currently available pages: (Some pages are in Dutch)


Een GPS to APRS encoder using a PIC16F628 microcontroller. Uses the internal DA convertor to generate the AX.25 signal using a software DDS.

ARDF Controller/Timer

Advanced timer/controller for ARDF Transmitters


Time Driven Random number generator for outdoor games

PICLA: Low Cost Logic Analyzer

My home-brew 8 channel software logic analyser, uses a pic18F252(5) as capture device.

BATCAP: A Battery Capacity Meter

A simple device using a pic 18F819 which can be used to determine the capacity and discharge graph of any rechargable battery.

SSTVGEN: An SSTV signal generator

Create an SSTV test signal with a single PIC microcontroller

F-Logger: A frequency logger

Small circuit to record the frequency over some time


Electronics Goldmine sells the FAX display (as 1 16*1 display). You will find a short description of how to controll the other parts of the display as well.

IR Remote for Commercial Skip

A PIC driven IR remote which skips 1 or 7 minutes on my Harddisk Recoder

Digital Audio Recorder with SPI Flash Memory

A PIC driven audio recording using a serial Flash chip to record audio from APT satellites

Digital Audio Recorder with SD-Card Memory

A PIC driven audio recording using a serial Flash chip to record audio from APT satellites

PIC controlled 500kHz transmitter

A standalone 500kHz transmitter for WSPR, QRSS and CW beaconing.

Multi Tone CTCSS generator

A CTCSS tone generator, intended to be used in an FT290R tranciever.

DTMF Remote Control in software

DTMF tone decoding in software with a 16F629 or 16F628A